Each year the Lethbridge Branch of the Alberta Registered Music Teachers’ Association (ARMTA) awards over $1500 to those students studying with current members who have achieved the highest first-class honours marks in practical and theory examinations for the previous year. In addition we sponsor several annual awards for the Lethbridge and District Music and Speech Arts Festival. Our Branch feels it is important to recognize the success and hard work of students and to encourage them to continue their studies.
To raise money for our awards program, the Lethbridge Branch of the Alberta Registered Music Teachers’ Association sponsors a Practice-a-thon every two years. Students set practise goals with their teachers, solicit pledges and then attempt to reach their practise time goals and win prizes. Prizes, including gift cards and concert tickets donated by our community sponsors, are awarded for the most hours practiced in 4 age categories as well as for the most money raised.
100% of the money raised through the Practice-a-thon goes directly to the Registered Music Teachers’ awards program and is given to future award winners.
The Lethbridge Branch of the Alberta Registered Music Teachers’ Association is grateful to the following sponsors for their generous support of the Practice-a-thon through donation of prizes:
- Long & McQuade
- The Lethbridge Symphony Association
- The Lethbridge Community Band Society
- University of Lethbridge Conservatory of Music
- University of Lethbridge Department of Music
- CFMTA (Canadian Federation of Music Teachers’ Associations)
For more information contact Christine Rogers at 403-327-2073 or c4rogers@telus.net