Each year our Branch organizes a number of recitals for students.   These recitals are designed to give students a chance to share their music and gain valuable performance experience.  Annual recitals include the following:

  • November:  Canada Music Week Recital during the 3rd week of November.  Students are encouraged to perform works by Canadian composers.
  • December: Christmas recital with a more relaxed format
  • March: General recital designed to give students a chance to perform before the Lethbridge and District Music and Speech Arts Festival
  • May: Final general recital for the year

In addition, our Branch offers performance opportunities for adult students twice a year.  These gatherings feature a less formal atmosphere and are designed to give adults a chance to share their music and gain valuable performance experience in an encouraging environment.

The Registered Music Teachers’ regular general recitals usually last about an hour.  If for some important reason you must leave before the end, or in the event of a cancellation, please inform your child’s teacher so that he or she can advise the convenors of the recital.  We feel that listening to performances by others is an important part of a student’s musical education and we encourage parents and students to stay and listen to the whole recital. We ask that those arriving late or leaving early, do so between performances rather than while a student is playing.

We encourage students to wear appropriate clothing to perform (avoid jeans or sweatpants), and to bow after performing to acknowledge the applause of the audience.

We feel that learning recital etiquette is an important part of a student’s musical education, so during the recital we please ask audience members to help minimize distractions by refraining from the following:  talking, rustling programs or candy wrappers, taking flash photographs during performances, or any unnecessary movement.  Audience members are also requested to turn off all electronic devices.

See Student Recital Etiquette for more information

Performers will follow the order of the program.  Individual students will not be introduced, but cancellations will be announced.

There is no charge for recitals, but donations will be gratefully accepted at the door, before and after the recital.  The money collected will be used to cover the cost of renting the hall and printing the programs.